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  • We at Animal Hospital of Aurora are happy to provide comprehensive dental care for your pets. We make sure to take care of their teeth in a way that’s just right for each pet. Our promise to do a great job in pet dental care shows how much we know that healthy teeth are really important for them to stay well.
  • Dental Check-ups:Our experienced veterinarians carefully check your pet’s teeth, gums, and mouth. Regular visits help find and fix dental problems early on.
  • Dental Cleaning:We clean your pet’s teeth professionally to remove plaque and tartar, which cause common dental issues. Our modern tools make sure the cleaning is thorough and your pet stays comfy.
  • Tooth Extractions:If dental problems are serious, we might need to take out a tooth. Our skilled veterinarians do this carefully to keep your pet comfortable and well.
  • Treatment of Gum disease:Lots of pets get gum disease. We create plans to treat gingivitis and periodontal disease, working to make gums healthy again.
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